Siri For Android Phones – SiriMe 1.7.4 PLUS

Updated and tested, Jan 20, 2025

siri for android phones

Gues what most of Android users want to have from iPhone. You are right: Siri. This great companion is still more clever and fun than Google voice installed on Androids. However, this was exceptional iOS feature… Until now. Now you can install Siri on your Android phone too! And you do not need to root your device: just download and launch the installation program. It will determine if your phone is compatible and will do the job automatically! The functions are the same as on iPhone: you can search, set alarm clocks, ask funny questions and more…


1. Open the program and connect your phone to the PC. If it is connected already, wait a few seconds.

siriforandroid 1

2. Click install button. Wait again.


3. Whent it says DONE, disconnect the phone and enjoy. Usually Siri is activated by pressing and holding HOME button for a few seconds.

install siri on android

Posted in Mobile
9 comments on “Siri For Android Phones – SiriMe 1.7.4 PLUS
  1. Bernardo.K says:

    yep it works well :)

  2. sirious says:

    It works. And yes it installs the new siri which is even better

  3. PHONE says:

    Finally somebody remembered Android users! All other siri-alike apps were so lame so far…

  4. mice says:

    finally found this! now my friends will not be able to brag about their siris on iphones anymore :P can’t wait to see their faces when I show this

  5. moe says:

    Working. I can confirm that now you get the new siri with this

  6. chunky says:

    It does work :) Amazing!

  7. Kvisie says:

    Wow, this is really the original Siri! And it works on Android fine! This my favorite from now on!

  8. Balbo says:

    Oh cool! I always wanted iphone just for Siri but now I might stay with Android.

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