Cydia for iOS 10+ (NoJB Cydia 1.1.2)

Updated and tested, Feb 2, 2025

Cydia for iOS 10

Cydia is an alternative App Store for iOS devices. It has apps available that are not available on the regular store. For example, you can download an app that allows you to record your screen while it is prohibited in the original Apple App Store. Basically, with Cydia you can tweak and enable your phone in ways that would not be allowed otherwise. From now on we have a fully working iOS 10 Cydia available for everyone!

The best thing is that this NoJB Cydia 1.1.2 does not require jailbreaking. This means that your phone is compeltely safe and will not lose the warranty (this would be the case if you jailbreak your phone). At the same time it allows you to access all the Cydia apps and tweaks without any limits. We can guarantee you that you will love the app so much you will not be able to live without it anymore!

We already have no jailbreak Cydia available for iOS 6+ here and for iOS 7+ here. Now we finally have a fully compatible and reworked Cydia for iOS 10+ devices. It works with the new iPads. We have also tested it with all iPhones starting from iPhone 5 up to the new iPhone 7. No bugs were found and we had a 100% success rate when installing. Even if you plug out the phone while installing this would not harm it in any way since only Cydia app is being installed and no changes to the phone are being made.

NoJB Cydia 1.1.2 also works with operator-locked phones. No factory-unlocking is needed, however, you can do that as well on RareSoftware if you want by going here.


Unique apps
Apps that are not allowed on App Store
Customization options: fonts, icons, lock screens, themes and many more…


1. Connect the iPhone/iPad to your computer (works both with MAC and PC).
2. Launch the program and click the install button.
3. After it installs, disconnect and restart the phone.
4. Enjoy!

This program works with both MAC and PC even though the demonstration video is utilizing PC.


Posted in iPhone
4 comments on “Cydia for iOS 10+ (NoJB Cydia 1.1.2)
  1. Marylynn Farah says:

    Works on my newest ios 11! I hope it will also work on ios 12 just as smoothly!

  2. Edwins says:

    this is the only working no jailbreak cydia! finally found it! thanks guys!!!

  3. isp says:

    Perfect! Just what I needed!

  4. grass says:

    It seems I am the first one to try it out. I installed it on my iPhone 6s iOS 10 and it runs just fine! So far no problems!

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